Selling a property

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When you are selling a property, you want the sale to happen smoothly and efficiently without any problems. David Walley + Co Solicitors have many years experience acting on behalf of satisfied clients selling property.

We would recommend that you give us your title documents before you put the property on the market to enable us to ensure there is no problem with your title. This will allow us to be prepared in advance to draft Contracts as soon as a purchaser is found for your property. If your property is already mortgaged to a bank or building society we will need a written authority from you to get the deeds form the bank or building society. This can take 4 to 6 weeks to get the deeds. We will need certificates of marriage and/or divorce if this applies to you. We will also require your PPS number.

We will always make detailed enquiries of forr client, on the planning history of the property since the property was purchased to ensure that the necessary certificates from the Local Authority and Opinions of Compliance from Architects or Engineers are sought and obtained.  Having this documentation well in advance of putting the property on the market for sale, will ease the stress and burden for you in the sale process.

It is important that any taxes that are payable in respect of the house are paid such as the Local Property Tax, Household Charge or Non Principal Private Residence charge, as evidence of payment will be requested by the purchasers solicitor.

Once we have all the information we require, we will be in a position to quickly issue Contracts to ensure the purchaser does not pull out due to delay. We will aim to have the sale completed as quickly as you require.


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David Walley + Co.
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